Interesting Tech Projects
Posts tagged schematic

PCB For Raspberry Pi WH1080 Weather Station
Nov 15th
Previously I wrote about using a Raspberry Pi to receive 433MHz signals from a WH1080 weather station. This is the mess of wiring I came up with:
This worked fine until it stopped. I probably didn’t crimp a wire properly and too many knocks resulted in unreliable operation. To solve this I designed a PCB that connects the radio receiver, pressure sensor and an antenna to a Raspberry Pi:
The design is very simple:
It accepts a surface-mount version of the RMF01 module (the version with a black resin blob). This is easily soldered onto the PCB by hand.
A female through-hole SMA connector is used for the antenna connection. This allows a range of off-the-shelf antennas to be used. The one I purchased from eBay didn’t work so I modified it as can be seen in the pictures. Alternatively a wire can be directly soldered to the board.
Finally a six pin BMP085 module is connected to a header. The pinout of the BMP085 module used is:
- Pin 1 = 3.3V
- Pin 2 = SDA
- Pin 3 = SCL
- Pin 4 = No connection
- Pin 5 = No connection
- Pin 6 = Ground
Here is how the PCB looks when populated:
Download the schematic diagram (15MB).
I have some spare boards, so if you would like one to experiment with please contact me.
Update: All the spare boards are gone. I hope everyone who received one has a lot of fun with them!
Here are the gerber files, suitable for submitting to a PCB house. The license is CC-BY-NC SA. I.e. for personal non-commercial use only. Sorry, but I am unable to provide support for these files.