about 12 years ago - 1 comment
Previously I wrote about my little utility that allows exporting properly positioned STLs from Alibre Design so they can be imported into a slicing program for multi-color printing. This is fine for use with the RepRapPro slicer but perhaps not with other slicers. Slic3r is a very popular, fast and flexible slicing program and now…
about 12 years ago - Comments Off on Ray Tracing (Rendering) with Alibre Design PE
The Professional and Expert versions of Alibre Design come with a ray tracer called Keyshot but the Personal Edition of Alibre Design does not. However it is easily possible to use the free and very powerful Blender to generate ray traces of your 3D models. First you must design the parts in Alibre Design and…
about 12 years ago - 2 comments
When you wish to print out a part on a 3D printer the workflow is simple – design the part, export to STL and print it. This is fine when you are only printing with a single material or color. Becoming increasingly popular and affordable are 3D printers that support printing with two or three…
about 13 years ago - Comments Off on Radio Controlled Aircraft for Stroke Victims
This post introduces my open source radio control project. It allows an RC aircraft to be controlled from a Wii Nunchuk, i.e. with one hand! Videos will be posted when they are available but so far it is working great in the flight simulator and with a stationary aircraft. All documentation, source files and binary…
about 16 years ago - Comments Off on Change in Direction
I decided that the McWire CNC machine probably wouldn’t be able to product the accuracy I need, or have the lifespan that I need for a machine. In addition I want to be able to cut objects up to a square foot in size. The McWire design would need to be four square feet in…
about 17 years ago - Comments Off on CNC Update
The project was paused for Christmas and New Year, now I’m wondering whether to continue with the McWire design or go with something else. I recently came across the Fireball CNC machine, which looks very nice. Each machine is hand made in the US, which appeals to me. One of the early projects I wish…
about 17 years ago - Comments Off on Bearings
I’ve found what looks like a good source for bearings for the design. It’s Skate Bearings and they sell individually as well. Price seem very reasonable. If I can’t find a local skate shop then I will probably order from them. Bookmark to: Hide Sites
about 17 years ago - 1 comment
The Yahoo group for the HobbyCNC boards contains a file which describes a linear, unregulated 10A power supply, suitable for driving four motors. This power supply converts 120VAC to 34VDC up to 10A. The circuit diagram is very simple, but a lot of additional effort and parts are required to construct a working power supply.…
about 17 years ago - 1 comment
After spending quite some time trying different pieces of software I have come up with a collection and a workflow that I think will fit my needs. I wanted to be able to accurately design parts in 3D, see how the parts will fit together to make sure they are right, and produce traditional engineering…
about 17 years ago - Comments Off on Low Cost and Free CAD Programs
I have stumbled across a large list of low cost and free CAD programs, mostly for Windows however. It seems there are many good choices in the list and I will try out a couple in the next day or two. Bookmark to: Hide Sites
about 16 years ago
Just ordered the hobbycnc board. I am a newbe and look forward to any info and help with
my new project i.e. getting it up and running. I shall be watching this space with interest.
I hope to use EMC2 with Ubuntu 6xx the live cd , I shall be installing it although I would prefer the later Ubuntu. By the time I get my board built and my gantry mill built I should think there will be a newer version of Ubuntu. Thanks for this bit of encouragement ” seeing is believing”
Thanks again